Thursday, April 8, 2010

My top 10 oscar flubs will more than likely be debated, controversial lists...& I've not seen all the films, but I've seen the winners that beat these films and if I thought something was definitely better than the winners by close to a long shot then I put it on this list. I didn't pick the years I didn't see most of what they were up against even though to me, these films stick out like a soar thumb.)

1. Shakespeare in Love Best Picture...what a croc of Shit, like a big croc of it. What an aweful movie. If I wanted Shakespeare I'll watch Julie Taymor's Titus, or Kenneth B's several Shakespeare films, but some trite quasi romantic fake peice of pig swallow, rot in hell. (Who even remembers "Shakespeare in Love"?)
2. No Wrestler Nomination!!!! I don't care if it won, most of the best films don't win, but nomination!!!! It was the best film of the whole year in my and several of my friend's opinions.
3. The Fountain not nominated for visual effects . . .
4. Sam Rockwell was not nominated for 'Moon'
5. No Pan's Labrinth oscar for best foreign language film. (This is the one instance where I did not see it's competition, so I may be 100% wrong on this one.)
6. No Requiem for a Dream Ellen Burstyn win (*Type in Ellen Burstyn "Requiem for a Dream" monologue in Youtube to see what I'm talking about.)
7.No Ed Norton win for Primal Fear, sorry Cuba but I just don't think 'Show me the money' was better than this . . .
8. No set direction nomination for Legend (*everything in this film was a set even the outdoor stuff.) image by MoFo-Bucket
9. Requiem for a Dream ~ score nomination
10. No Hard Candy nomination for Ellen Page (Fuck 'Juno' and it's quirky unrealistic facade of a girl or maybe too realistic . . . wow a sarcastic girl, that requires a lot of talent to pull off ... bullsh*t Hollywood knew she deserved it for this movie and they nominated her for 'Juno' instead. For the exact same reason Scorsese won for 'Departed' and not 'Goodfellas'. We knew you deserved it for something else but we didn't have the balls to pick the stronger material so we just gave it back to you for this!!!,0.jpg

*Runner up* No Paul Dano nomination in "There Will Be Blood" one of the most understated performances in the whole film.(I have no idea what Daniel Day Lewis is wearing but it sure is ridiculous.)

*Honorable mentions* Say what you want about the film but Will Smith's performance in I Am Legend is one of the most solid performances I've seen in a film. I think he deserved a nomination.

The costumes in "Watchmen" every single film out this year was a period costume drama it seems, and "Watchmen" was different, refreshingly different and deserved a nomination.

Requiem for a Dream Marlon Wayans nomination*

Also I think Brokeback Mountain was an amazing film, but it won the Globe and got it's dues. I thought "Crash" was an aweful film tedious trite and hit the nail on the head too hard with it's message and didn't leave you with anything. (And also if Jake was a black woman for example and the film about racism instead of homosexuality, it would still be a great film.) (If the Brendon Frasier storyline and the one with the busy hands cop was taken out, and maybe one or two annoying character moments cut out I wouldn't have minded if "Crash" won, but as it stands no. And also films where characters cross paths...Babel, Amores Perros, Pulp let's just say there have been better films at pulling off the concept it promised.)

Also the performances in 'Irreversible' were amazing...but the characters aren't exactly fleshed out 100%, but the things they go through are real and in the moment, just wanted to make a note of that.

(Watch Jamie Foxx's reaction to a dead body falling on his car. The man is a good performer and was great as Ray Charles but this film did not in any regards warrant an oscar nod for him in any way. His performance is stale and stilted in that scene, and the rest of the movie is just okay. Tom Cruise plays his character better more believable and is more fun to watch. I never got why Jamie Foxx was nominated for this film at all. . .
Also "Tron" not nominated for special effects . . .

And this is a Golden Globe thing, but "500 Days of Summer" to me and several of my friends a much, much better film than "The Hangover"

1 comment:

  1. Well D...these are pretty amazing revues! I just watched 500 days and there was an incredible line at the end about why she didn't marry him & that's why men like line of honesty! And I loved 'Hangover'. G8 preformances!! My fav piece of Hollywood crap that one was 'Unforgiven'. Painful.& ridiculous story...
    Good job it:-)
